What is Push the Zombie mobile app?

4.7/5 Votes: 1,120,000
2 days ago
Android 4.4
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Push The Zombie to release your stress! Stressed out after a long day at work. Shoot zombies at different objects during a break. GeneraFun has released a new game called Push the Zombie for the iPhone.

More than 2,980 people have rated the app over its lifetime, with an average of 4 stars. The app was updated about 4 weeks ago to version 1.3 on the Android Play Store.

What is the cost of Push the Zombie? It costs $0.00 to download the app

What is the Android version of Push the Zombie? Baixar App Store is where you can download Push the Zombie for Android. If you are not satisfied with our Push the Zombie apk versions, we also show you great alternatives

How do I set up Push the Zombie?

The following steps will show you how to use Push the Zombie.apk app on your phone once you have downloaded it.

Step 1: Download the Push the Zombie.apk on your device

Using any of the mirrors below, you can download right now. You can be sure that it will work 99% of the time. It is recommended that you move the apk file from your computer to your android device as soon as you download it.  

Step 2: Allow Third Party apps on your device.

If you want to install Push the Zombie.apk, you must make sure third-party apps are currently allowed as installation sources. You can enable Unknown Sources by going to Menu > Settings > Security > and checking it.

Instead of checking an unknown sources setting on Android 8.0 Oreo, the first time you install an APK, your browser or file manager will ask you if it’s okay to do so.

Step 3: Goto Your File manager or browser location

The pushthezombie.apk file you just downloaded needs to be found.

Your Android device can also be easily accessed with a file manager app that you can download here.

The normal installation process will begin once you click the Push the Zombie.apk file. When prompted for anything, simply tap “Yes” when prompted. It is, however, important that you read all the instructions on the screen.

Step 4: Enjoy

A new version of Push the Zombie is now available for download on your device. Enjoy your stay!

Are APK Files Safe?

Regardless of any rumours or information on a website that says otherwise, disregard it.

I would like to emphasise that APK files are generally as safe as Windows .exe files, thus, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should always download them from sites which are trusted.

There is generally no need to worry about anything as some of our APK download mirrors below are some of the safest sites on the Internet, so you do not have to worry about anything.